BMT InfoNet, the blood and bone marrow transplant network, is an all-inclusive information resource for blood and bone marrow transplant patients, survivors, and their families. The network’s primary goal is to provide credible information and emotional support to allow for educated and informed decision-making before, during, and after transplant. has resources that help seniors and their loved ones learn more about assisted living and how it can benefit seniors with vision impairment, costs, and payment options and find an appropriate senior living community.
The Dry Eye Zone provides an information portal and community center focused on improving the quality of life for people suffering from chronic or severe dry eye due to illness, injury, medication side-effect, aging, or other causative factors. The site offers tips on getting the best care for your condition, advice for living well with dry eye, coping strategies, and the latest treatments and research.
Dysautonomia Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the support of medical treatment, research, public awareness, and social services for people affected by Familial Dysautonomia (FD). The Foundation established the world’s only FD treatment centers (two of them) and is the largest single source of funding for research and treatment specifically for the benefit of people with FD.
Facial Pain Association is an online support for those suffering from facial pain, including trigeminal neuralgia, as well as the health care and dental providers and family members who care for them. The foundation provides stellar worldwide research, support, education and awareness for scleroderma and related illnesses, such as pulmonary hypertension, graft versus host disease, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Sjögren’s syndrome.
KC Freedom is a community forum for individuals suffering with keratoconus. With thousands of members, KC Freedom offers conversations on a variety of topics related to keratoconus, including family support, research and development, keratoconus experiences, treatments, and disease management.
National Keratoconus Foundation (NKCF) disseminates information about keratoconus to patients, their families, and eye care professionals. The NKCF is dedicated to increasing the awareness and understanding of keratoconus and the support of scientific research into the cause and treatment of keratoconus.
National Foundation for Ectodermal Dysplasias is to empower and connect people touched by ectodermal dysplasias through education, support, and research. Through their website, the foundation offers numerous supports for patients and their families. is the website of the National Bone Marrow Transplant Link. Its mission is to help patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of bone marrow/stem cell transplant from diagnosis through survivorship by providing vital information and personalized support services.
Oculofacial Society is a group of board-certified ophthalmologists who specialize in the eyes, eye sockets, tear duct system, and face.
Paying for Senior Care provides a suite of resources for seniors including product reviews on the latest technology, including the best medical alert systems for blind or visually impaired adults.
Sjögren’s Syndrome Foundation has provided patients with accurate, up-to-date medical information and coping strategies in addition to serving as a national advocate for Sjögren’s syndrome. This organization strives to educate patients and their families, increase public and professional awareness of Sjögren’s syndrome, and encourage research into new treatments and a cure.
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Foundation provides support services to SJS patients, family and friends, and compiles and distributes information about SJS to the public and medical professionals regarding treatments and therapies beneficial to SJS sufferers.