Isabelle, a PROSE Patient, Shares Experience with Neurotrophic Keratitis
Isabelle's story and video are shared with permission. "It all started when my friend was doing my makeup. 'Are you aware you have this cloud-looking thing on your eye?' Having eye problems was not new to me. I have had Neurotrophic Keratitis - a disease that causes my corneas to erode - in my right eye since I was 5 and in my left eye since I was 16. I accepted the fact that my vision was never going to be perfect; I knew it was getting worse as I aged. I already needed to use eye drops all the time because of the constant dryness. Hearing my friend make that comment though, I realized maybe my condition was worse than I thought. Seeing a Corneal Specialist After visiting a corneal specialist, I heard for the first time that I was at great risk of going blind. All of a sudden, I was having my eyelids partially sewn shut to limit exposure to air, new sets of drops/ointments to try, lifestyle changes such as wearing ski goggles outside in the winter to protect my eyes, and going to the eye doctor so many times a month I had the eye exam letters completely memorized. While my left eye vision was significantly better than my right, I was still having trouble seeing things clearly. I needed a large font on my phone and a bigger TV - and squinting at things became the norm. Failed Treatments Failed treatment [...]